Each year in October, the townsfolk of Chester, NH create wonderful themes with Scarecrows.
This was my 5th year capturing these whimsical friends.
Click / Tap An Image To View The Gallery.
Airline Scarecrows
Airline Scarecrows
Aladdin Scarecrows
Aladdin Scarecrows
Albert Einstein Scarecrow
Albert Einstein Scarecrow
Amazon Jungle Scarecrow
Amazon Jungle Scarecrow
Amelia Earhart Scarecrow
Amelia Earhart Scarecrow
American Gothic Scarecrows
American Gothic Scarecrows
Astronaut Scarecrow
Astronaut Scarecrow
Baby Grace & Mum Scarecrows
Baby Grace & Mum Scarecrows
Barrel Of Monkeys Scarecrow
Barrel Of Monkeys Scarecrow
Baseball Scarecrows
Baseball Scarecrows
Bates Motel Scarecrows
Bates Motel Scarecrows
Benjamin Brown French Scarecrow
Benjamin Brown French Scarecrow
Big Family Scarecrows
Big Family Scarecrows
Biker Scarecrow
Biker Scarecrow
Boxin' Scarecrow
Boxin' Scarecrow
Brave Knight Scarecrow
Brave Knight Scarecrow
Bride Scarecrow
Bride Scarecrow
Bride Scarecrow
Bride Scarecrow
Builder Scarecrow
Builder Scarecrow
Campin' Scarecrows
Campin' Scarecrows
Canoein' Scarecrow
Canoein' Scarecrow
Cat Lady Scarecrow
Cat Lady Scarecrow
Centennial Scarecrows
Centennial Scarecrows
Peanuts Scarecrow
Peanuts Scarecrow
Christmas Vacation Scarecrow
Christmas Vacation Scarecrow
Circus Scarecrows
Circus Scarecrows
Country Boy Scarecrow
Country Boy Scarecrow
Couple Scarecrows
Couple Scarecrows
Da Goat Scarecrow
Da Goat Scarecrow
Dancin' Scarecrow
Dancin' Scarecrow
Declarin' Scarecrow
Declarin' Scarecrow
Dr. & Mrs. Scarecrows
Dr. & Mrs. Scarecrows
Doctor Who Scarecrow
Doctor Who Scarecrow
Doctor Who Scarecrow
Doctor Who Scarecrow
Early Morning Breakfast Scarecrows
Early Morning Breakfast Scarecrows
Elf On The Shelf Scarecrow
Elf On The Shelf Scarecrow
Equestrian Scarecrow
Equestrian Scarecrow
Fallin' Off The Roof Scarecrow
Fallin' Off The Roof Scarecrow
Farmer Girl Scarecrow
Farmer Girl Scarecrow
Farmer Scarecrow
Farmer Scarecrow
Fireman & Onlookin' Scarecrows
Fireman & Onlookin' Scarecrows
Gardening Family Scarecrow
Gardening Family Scarecrow
Gatekeeper Scarecrow
Gatekeeper Scarecrow
Ghost Scarecrows
Ghost Scarecrows
Halloween Scarecrows
Halloween Scarecrows
Hangin' Around Scarecrow
Hangin' Around Scarecrow
Hippy Knitty Scarecrow
Hippy Knitty Scarecrow
Honest Abe Scarecrow
Honest Abe Scarecrow
Humpty Dumpty Scarecrow
Humpty Dumpty Scarecrow
Inn Keepin' Scarecrows
Inn Keepin' Scarecrows
Iron Throne Scarecrows
Iron Throne Scarecrows
King Kong Scarecrow
King Kong Scarecrow
Knittin' Scarecrow
Knittin' Scarecrow
Laundress Scarecrow
Laundress Scarecrow
Lemonade Scarecrows
Lemonade Scarecrows
Little Bo Peep Scarecrow
Little Bo Peep Scarecrow
Mailman Scarecrow
Mailman Scarecrow
Misfit Toy Scarecrow
Misfit Toy Scarecrow
Miss Thang Scarecrow
Miss Thang Scarecrow
Nurse & Patient Scarecrows
Nurse & Patient Scarecrows
Officer & His Lady Scarecrows
Officer & His Lady Scarecrows
Paintin' Scarecrows
Paintin' Scarecrows
Parachutin' Scarecrow
Parachutin' Scarecrow
Pilot Scarecrow
Pilot Scarecrow
Pirate Scarecrow
Pirate Scarecrow
Pirate Scarecrow
Pirate Scarecrow
Pirate Scarecrows
Pirate Scarecrows
Play Time Scarecrows
Play Time Scarecrows
Pumpkin Fishin' Scarecrows
Pumpkin Fishin' Scarecrows
Puppy Love Scarecrow
Puppy Love Scarecrow
Queen Of The Dragons Scarecrow
Queen Of The Dragons Scarecrow
Racer Scarecrow
Racer Scarecrow
Realtor Scarecrow
Realtor Scarecrow
Rockin' Dude Scarecrow
Rockin' Dude Scarecrow
Rodeo Scarecrows
Rodeo Scarecrows
 Scarecrow Scarecrow
Scarecrow Scarecrow
Sherlock Scarecrows
Sherlock Scarecrows
Skeleton Scarecrow
Skeleton Scarecrow
Skip Ropin' Scarecrows
Skip Ropin' Scarecrows
Soccer Scarecrow
Soccer Scarecrow
Sportin' Scarecrows
Sportin' Scarecrows
Sports Fan Scarecrow
Sports Fan Scarecrow
Story Time Scarecrows
Story Time Scarecrows
Supportive Scarecrow
Supportive Scarecrow
Surgeon Scarecrow
Surgeon Scarecrow
Swingin' Scarecrows
Swingin' Scarecrows
Tea Time Scarecrow
Tea Time Scarecrow
Texan Scarecrow
Texan Scarecrow
The Addams Family Scarecrows
The Addams Family Scarecrows
The Graduate Scarecrow
The Graduate Scarecrow
The Tin Man Scarecrow
The Tin Man Scarecrow
Travelin' Scarecrows
Travelin' Scarecrows
Trick Or Treatin' Scarecrows
Trick Or Treatin' Scarecrows
Tubby Time Scarecrows
Tubby Time Scarecrows
Unfortunate Scarecrow
Unfortunate Scarecrow
Well-Dressed Scarecrow
Well-Dressed Scarecrow
William Tell Scarecrows
William Tell Scarecrows
Witch Scarecrow
Witch Scarecrow
Wizard Of Oz Scarecrows
Wizard Of Oz Scarecrows
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